Case Study: TruCode Encoder and TruCode Encoder Essentials
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TruCode Encoder and TruCode Encoder essentials

Medical coding solutions ensuring faster and more effective workflow with the possibility of integration into existing hospital applications.

TruCode Encoder and TruCode Encoder essentials

    Client and challenge

    TruCode is one of the top providers of medical record encoders in the U.S. When the company was started in 2005, the founders had an idea of developing an application for hospitals which would automatically calculate medication costs and reimbursement based on the codes in the healthcare classification system. The company turned to EffectiveSoft to develop the desktop version of the TruCode Encoder from scratch.

    To keep abreast of technologies and provide medical staff with more flexibility in working with codes, the customer decided to develop the cloud software solution – TruCode Encoder Essentials.

    • Country

    • Client

    • Domain

      Medical Coding and Healthcare IT
    • Solution

      Desktop and cloud applications
    • Service

      Custom software development
    • Technology

      ASP.NET, Microsoft Azure, WEB API


    The product allows medical coders to review clinical statements and assign standard codes to the diagnosis and treatment provided to the patient according to the existing classification systems.

    TrueCode Encoder is a desktop version that effectively assists healthcare professionals in achieving optimal levels of coding accuracy and coder productivity.

    TruCode Encoder Essentials is a cloud version that enjoys all the benefits of the desktop application, uses Microsoft HIPAA-compliant cloud storages, and can be integrated into the existing medical applications. The user interface components of TruCode Encoder Essentials can be individually embedded into any application that displays HTML content, be it EMR (Electronic Medical Record), EHR software (Electronic Health Record) or HIS (Hospital Information Systems), CAC (Computer Assisted Coding) or CDI (Clinical Documentation Improvement).

    Since the US healthcare coding system constantly undergoes modifications, the project evolves as well. Apart from codes and references updates, the development team works on ui/ux design enhancements and some new features to meet the needs of end users.


    TruCode Encoder and TruCode Encoder Essentials help with the following:

    Edit inpatient and outpatient claims using MCE (Medicare Code Editor), OCE (Outpatient Code Editor), NCCI (National Correct Coding Initiative), Medical Necessity, and proprietary TruCode edits.

    Display coding-related references in the official documents and articles.

    Research additional information applicable to the selected code.

    Search for necessary information by terms, codes, or even synonyms within the code books:

    • International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM)
    • International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-PCS)
    • International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM)
    • Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) and Healthcare Procedural Coding System (HCPCS)

    Examine alternative DRGs (Diagnostic Related Grouping) for claims through Principal Diagnosis or DRG Analysis.

    Calculate the grouping and pricing of claims:

    • DRG (Diagnostic Related Grouping)
    • APC (Ambulatory Payment Classification)
    • ASC (Ambulatory surgery center), and EAPG (Enhanced Ambulatory Patient Groups)

    Map ICD-9 codes to ICD-10, and vice versa.

    Import and export the records about the patient encounters with a physician.

    Generate detailed productivity-focused reports.


    • Hospitals and healthcare facilities can benefit from improved coder productivity and more accurate coding, which will reduce the number of reimbursement denials and increase regulatory compliance.
    • Consultants providing outsourced audit and coding can greatly reduce their technology costs and offer more customer-oriented services.
    • The audit teams can reduce their time, money and labor efforts as the Encoder quickly reviews all claims in question and finds all the inconsistencies.

    Tech Stack

      • Web API 2.0
      • .NET Framework
      • DevExpress library
      • WEB API
      • ASP.NET
      • Redis
      • Microsoft Azure
      • 3M GPS
      • nThrive CCE

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