Extended Reality (XR) Services - EffectiveSoft

Extended Reality (XR) Services

Immerse yourself in the world of realistic XR experiences with our dedicated services and enjoy the limitless possibilities of these cutting-edge technologies! Utilizing our extensive technical expertise, the team at EffectiveSoft extends the boundaries of reality through custom XR solutions.

extended reality services
extended reality services

XR development services for your company

  1. Augmented reality (AR)

    AR development focuses on creating software for immersive experiences by using specialized devices to overlay virtual content onto the real world. Our apps go even further, with advanced features like object, facial, and gesture recognition; location-based data augmentation; and sensor-based dynamic adjustments.
  2. Virtual reality (VR)

    VR development services involve designing immersive digital experiences within a simulated environment. Using cutting-edge tools and VR platforms, our developers craft detailed 3-D spaces with advanced graphics and realistic physics for games, training simulations, educational programs, and virtual tours.
  3. Mixed reality (MR

    Mixed reality development involves creating interactive solutions that blend elements from both real and digital spaces. Combining technologies like AR and VR, EffectiveSoft’s team develops solutions that enable users to manipulate virtual objects integrated into the physical world, enhancing the overall experience.

“XR services are about transcending physical limitations and enhancing human experiences, making distant worlds reachable and complex concepts graspable. The true power of XR lies in its ability to create immersive experiences that are as meaningful as they are revolutionary.”

Rod Molina

Delivery Director

Industries we are transforming

  • Manufacturing

    XR allows engineers and designers to create and test models in a virtual environment, speeding up the design and manufacturing phases and reducing the need for physical prototypes. For employee training, XR provides solutions that replicate real-world factory settings, enabling workers to practice tasks and learn new skills without being exposed to physical hazards. Additionally, XR aids in maintenance and repair by overlaying digital information onto real machinery to guide technicians through complex processes.

    Extended reality for manufactoring
    Extended reality for manufactoring
  • Healthcare

    Extended reality experiences revolutionize how medical professionals learn, diagnose, and treat patients. In training scenarios, XR allows medical students and professionals to practice complex procedures in a controlled, virtual space, which can reduce errors and improve outcomes when applied in real-life situations. For diagnostic purposes, XR technologies enable doctors to visualize tissues and organs in three dimensions, aiding in more accurate assessments. Furthermore, extended reality solutions can be used for patient rehabilitation and therapy, providing engaging and efficient methods to manage pain, recover motor skills, and more.

    Extended reality for healthcare
    Extended reality for healthcare
  • Retail

    Through our extended reality services, retailers can enhance client engagement and satisfaction, helping consumers make informed purchasing decisions. XR can simulate in-store shopping from the comfort of a customer’s home, offer virtual try-ons for clothes and makeup, and provide interactive, 3-D views of products. Moreover, XR tools can assist in inventory management and store layout planning through detailed analytics and visualization features.

    extended reality for retail
    extended reality for retail
  • XR enhances the way properties are marketed, sold, and experienced. Extended reality solutions enable potential buyers to virtually tour properties from anywhere in the world and make detailed inspections of spaces without having to be there physically. This not only saves time but also extends the market reach of real estate professionals. XR can also assist with space planning and interior design, helping buyers visualize living in their new home.

  • XR improves gameplay with environments that players can explore in 360 degrees. This technology allows developers to craft more engaging and interactive stories, giving players the sensation of being inside the game itself. In the entertainment industry, XR is used to enhance live performances, movies, and exhibitions. For example, museum visitors can interact with artifacts in ways previously impossible, like stepping into a historical scene or exploring an item in detail.

    Extended reality for gaming
    Extended reality for gaming
  • Education

    XR allows for immersive environments where students can interact with 3-D models, historical simulations, or complex data visualizations, making abstract concepts tangible. XR caters to diverse learning styles and can significantly improve engagement and retention of information. It also facilitates remote learning, offering realistic simulations that are accessible from anywhere, thereby expanding educational opportunities to a broader audience.

    Extended reality for education
    Extended reality for education
  • XR offers architects and engineers innovative tools to create immersive, interactive models that display project outcomes even before construction begins. Subsequently, stakeholders gain access to a shared, virtual space where they can review designs and make any required adjustments, controlling the construction process in real time. XR is also invaluable for training workers for safety purposes.

    Extended reality for construction
    Extended reality for construction
Extended reality for manufactoring
Extended reality for manufactoring
Extended reality for healthcare
Extended reality for healthcare
extended reality for retail
extended reality for retail
Extended reality for gaming
Extended reality for gaming
Extended reality for education
Extended reality for education
Extended reality for construction
Extended reality for construction

Extended reality app development process

  1. Gathering requirements

    We get to know the main objectives, target audience, and desired outcomes of the future solution.

  2. UI/UX design

    Our experts create intuitive navigation, interactions, visual elements, aesthetics, and overall appearance.

  3. Prototyping

    We develop a preliminary version of the app to test and refine the UI and UX concepts.

  4. Development

    Our engineers proceed with coding and building the app using XR development tools. Various elements are integrated during this phase, such as 3-D models and animations.

  5. Testing

    We conduct thorough testing to ensure the app functions correctly across different devices and use cases.

  6. Deployment

    We release the XR app on the appropriate platforms, ensuring compatibility with targeted XR devices.

  7. Support

    Our team monitors the app’s performance and user feedback to identify any issues or areas of improvement. We also regularly update the app to fix bugs and add new features as required.

  8. Done!

Why choose EffectiveSoft

XR tech stack

  • Unity
  • PlayCanvas
  • Babylon.js
  • three.js
  • Steam VR
  • HTC Vive
  • Oculus VR
  • Windows Mixed Reality
  • Google VR
  • Apple ARKit
  • Google ARCore
  • Vuforia
  • 8th Wall
  • Google Maps API
  • Mapbox
  • Microsoft Hololens
  • Magic Leap
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Corel Draw
  • Autodesk 3ds Max
  • Autodesk Maya
  • 3DCoat
  • Quixel
  • Substance Designer
  • 3DCoat

F.A.Q. about extended reality development

  • Extended reality (XR) is an umbrella term that encompasses VR, AR, and MR. XR technologies aim to merge the digital and physical worlds or create entirely immersive digital environments.

  • XR technologies can improve training efficiency, offer immersive customer experiences, enable innovative marketing strategies, streamline design processes, expand remote collaboration capabilities, and more.

  • XR development faces several challenges, including achieving immersive experiences without user discomfort and managing high computational demands across different devices. Additionally, XR requires specialized content creation skills to produce optimized 3-D models and environments. It also raises significant privacy and security concerns due to the sensitive user data collected by XR systems.

  • User interactions in XR environments are designed to accommodate the natural ways people move and interact in the real world. XR developers use various input methods, such as hand tracking, voice commands, head movements, and traditional controllers. Effective XR interaction design also involves creating intuitive gestures and actions that feel natural and reduce the learning curve for users.

  • Extended reality app development requires a blend of technical and creative skills, particularly proficiency in languages like C# and C++, a strong understanding of 3-D modeling, computer graphics, UX/UI design, and spatial computing, as well as technical knowledge of XR hardware, and more.


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    • An expert contacts you shortly after having analyzed your business requirements.
    • If required, we sign an NDA to ensure the highest privacy level.
    • A Pre-Sales Manager submits a comprehensive project proposal. It may include estimates, timelines, lists of CVs, etc., for a particular situation.
    • Now, we can launch the project.

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