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6 months ago 17 min read

Specifics of medical device software testing
In the drive for innovation, the line between life-saving technology and potential risk is thin. This expert analysis confronts the key challenges in medical device software testing, where the cost of failure is measured in human health. This expert analysis confronts the key challenges in medical device software testing, where the cost of failure is in terms of human health. Our examination of IEC 62304 and accompanying standards unpacks how rigorous standards and unwavering diligence form the firewall against these risks, ensuring that the software at the heart of healthcare remains both revolutionary and, above all, safe.
  • Healthcare
  • Quality assurance
how to develop a healthcare app

7 months ago 16 min read

Prescription for success: guide to creating a one-of-a-kind healthcare application
Whether you want to manage your patients' chronic conditions, book appointments, or drive referrals, you need the right ingredients for a healthcare app that makes a difference. Find out how to create a digital door to the next-gen healthcare world.
  • Healthcare
  • Mobile
Future of Technology in Healthcare

8 months ago 14 min read

How technology is transforming the future of healthcare
The future of healthcare is being reshaped before our eyes. While changes can be intimidating, progress is unstoppable. Thus, the best way to deal with these changes is to remain open-minded and explore how the latest advancements are revolutionizing the way healthcare is delivered.
  • Healthcare
  • Technology
data quality in healthcare

10 months ago 15 min read

Importance of data quality in healthcare
From routine lab tests to proprietary formulations of the breakthrough medicines, high-quality data is essential for every aspect of modern healthcare. Implementing right data strategies is crucial for advancing care, improving patient outcomes and developing innovative treatments.
  • Healthcare
  • Data analytics
AI in Medical Imaging Processing

1 year ago 17 min read

AI in medical imaging processing: a revolution in modern healthcare
Medical imaging has transformed the way medical experts detect and diagnose abnormalities within the body. By producing visible images of the internal structures and visible functions of the body, medical professionals can make accurate diagnoses without conducting invasive procedures.
  • Healthcare

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